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Eucharisztikus Kongresszus
Katolikus Karitász
Magyar Kurír
Új Ember
Vatikáni Rádió
Szent István Rádió, Eger
Mária Rádió
nyil Katolikus média bővebben


15 January The Central Direction of Catholic Schools organizes a national mass-meeting. An average of 10-15 Catholic schools has opened in Hungary since the changes. This is the first great muster of Catholic schools.
4 February A new Roman Catholic Diocese is created in Ruthenia (Ukraine) with Munkács (Mukatchevo) as its chief town. This territory was under the direction of the Rumanian Diocese of Szatmárnémeti so far. The boundaries of the new diocese align themselves with the state borders. The number of Roman Catholic dioceses in Ukraine is increased to four this way.
3-6 March Patriarch Alexiy II's visit in Hungary. He visits among other places Pannonhalma, too, where Arch-abbot Asztrik Várszegi invites him for the 1000th anniversary of the Arch-abbey in 1996.
19 March The Esztergom-Budapest Archdiocese takes over the case of Cardinal Archbishop of Esztergom József Mindszenthy's beatification from the Archdiocese of Vienna. The postulator of the case will be János Szőke.
16-17 April First congress of the Hungarian Kolping Federation in Budapest
30 April The leaders of the Hungarian historical churches address a pastoral letter to the believers on the occasion of the elections.
4 May Prime Minister Péter Boross receives the delegation of the Hungarian Roman Catholic pastors living abroad who hold their yearly conference in Budapest for the first time.
8 May First round of the parliamentary elections. The second round is held on 29 May. Most of the seats is acquired by the Hungarian Socialist Party, while the Federation of Free Democrats obtains the second place. The two parties enter into a governing coalition procuring this way a parliamentary majority of 73 %.
11 May The Hungarian Charity sets up the Out-patients' Department for Drug Addicts in Budapest.
23 May A Catholic May picnic is held in Máriaremete under the name of Festival of Charismas.
31 May . The Szeged-Csanád Bishopric opens a university students' hall named St Emeric Hall in Szeged
9 June Mr István Nemeskürty is elected president, Professor Huba Rózsa vice-president of the St Stephen Society at its general meeting for election of officials. The mandate lasts for five years.
11 June The Fatima devotional statue arrives in Hungary and is presented in a hundred churches in a hundred days. A number of believers participate at the prayer meetings all over the country.
9 July The Benedictine order recovers (for the third time in the course of history) the Abbey of Tihany founded by King Andrew I in 1055.
21 July Professor Tamás Nyíri dies unexpectedly at the age of 74.


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